Black Bear Walks Through California HS Football Workout


Aw hell, a real live black bear showed up to Truckee High School Football’s summer workout y’all. Bear crawls will never be the same for the Wolverines.

Truckee’s High School Football account shared the video on X, and it is really something for a couple of reasons.

First of all, there’s the black bear just ambling through the cones and t-shirts and shorts-wearing Wolveries football players.

You always want to see a black bear the way you’re seeing it in this story: On a screen and preferably far, far away from where you’re actually breathing sweet, sweet oxygen.

Your average black bear can “smell a salami at 5 miles, and they can run faster than a horse,” according to Dwight Schrute (‘Goodbye Michael’ episode of ‘The Office’).

It’s also the best kind of bear, according to Jim.

And while Dwight and Jim are fictional characters, I have to assume with no further research that at least one of those facts is, indeed, a fact.

Which means big teeth, big paws and big claws. Just the sight of one of those creatures should be enough reason to put a phone down and play dead.

I think that’s how you’re supposed to react to a bear.

Which brings us to the next remarkable thing about this black bear sighting:

No one curls up into a ball and plays dead!

You can hear multiple football players hollering at the black bear as it makes its way through the drills with horse-like speed.

Now I did to some further research on this front.

Truckee’s High School Football team is tougher and smarter than your average bear.

The Wolverines won back-to-back State Championships in 2022 and 2023. So the boys are feeling dang-near invincible right about now.

Still, that’s the most unbelievable part of this encounter to me.

I imagine you see your fair share of black bears in Nevada County, California

It’s beautiful country, tucked in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range, just miles away from Lake Tahoe and the Nevada border.

As a matter of fact, Truckee is so close to Nevada that the Wolverines compete in the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association – not California.

But you don’t always see a crowd of people unfazed by a black bear. And if they do, someone’s usually losing a limb or at least some flesh in the process.

Wherever they compete, Truckee’s boys ain’t backin’ down from a challenge this season.

This video needs to play before every home game to strike fear in the hearts of the Wolverines’ competition in 2024.

‘We won back-to-back state titles, and we stood up to a dadgum bear, by God. Do your worst.’