Frito Pies & Charred Burgers: top 5 High School Football concessions


Frito pies are a unique part of the high school football experience. Where does it rank with other concessions items?

Pretty dang high.

But just because Frito Pies rule that tastebud roost doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the other elite items on the menu.

Make sure you check out the show that has all the high school football stories you love for more where that came from.

And with that, let’s dig in.

1. Frito Pies

It’s a simple concept with ingredients that are anything but simple.

Slow-cooked chili. Lab-created corn snacks. Shredded cheese and sour cream, plus sliced up peppers if you’re really feelin’ froggy.

But do you combine all of these ingredients in a dish?

Heck no, son! You just gash the Fritos bag and pour everything in for a piping hot concoction that helps you hang on while your team beats up the competition.

2. Cheeseburgers in the foil

Seems simple, I know.

But if you’ve had one of these bad boys (or three), then you know they’re special.

There’s something about the burger that gets sizzled up on the grates of a grill that haven’t been cleaned in months that hits like a middle linebacker wearing a cowboy collar.

That cheese melts up just right with a splash of ketchup and mustard and boom. You’re in the flavor endzone pal.

3. Boiled peanuts

Low, slow, hot and tender.

Before you know it, it’s halftime and you have shells up to your ankles on the grimy concrete at your feet.

Get a splash of water in ya to cut down on that blood-to-sodium level before ya drive home, son.

4. Chicken tenders and fries

They’re both cooked in the same peanut oil from last week.

Heck, maybe it came from some of those repurposed boiled peanut shells. Nobody knows for sure.

But those crispy tenders and translucent fries are just what the doctor ordered if you need some non-beef protein in your system.

Don’t spend too much time asking what part of the chicken they came from, it’s all heading to the same place.

5. Nachos and cheese

I don’t know what the cheese is made out of.

You don’t either.

But there’s enough salt on those circular chips to stop a locomotive, let alone your hunger for something savory.

Just make sure the cheese is hot, otherwise you may need a knife.