High school baseball bat flip divides the internet (it’s pretty good)

A high school baseball bat flip will divide people by its very nature. Just a bat flip in and of itself is enough to make a baseball purist’s eyes blister.

But at the high school level? When these young men are supposed to learn sportsmanship and when to hustle and how to throw 103 miles per hour?

Absolutely a non-starter.

Not just in the opinion department. If you flip a bat in a high school game, you will probably not start the next one.

That didn’t keep Georgia high school baseball player Aidan Larkin from launching this home run stick to the heavens in a summer tournament game.

As you can imagine, this high school baseball bat flip had people squirming in the replies

And typically around here, we don’t just want to write about the internet.

But since this is an ‘offseason’ baseball report, it seems relevant to the story.

More than one dad and/or grandfather and/or coach pointed out that Aidan Larkin won’t earn many scholarship offers for his high school baseball bat flip persona.

Larkin’s peers think it’s awesome.

Count me in the latter camp.

I know, real bold of this 30-something millennial to contribute to the downfall of society.

Larkin hit his third home run before that flip, though. And it was just in a summer league game – not a state championship game or against a rival.

I’d be upset if he didn’t flip the bat

High school baseball should be fun.

If America’s kids can’t have fun celebrating America’s former pastime, then I hope they find another sport to play.

Life’s too short.

Flip the bat.

Aidan’s still hasn’t landed.

Oh, and for all the people who said he wouldn’t get college scholarship offers:

Larkin’s just meant more than that, apparently. He’s committed to Kentucky as of today.