Ryan McGee: from Devil Dog high school football mascot to ESPN

Travelers Rest High School football mascot Ryan McGee didn’t have to play ball to feel the body blows of a Friday night under the lights.

All he had to do was walk across a rival’s parking lot dressed as a Devil Dog.

“And I realized people were throwing rocks at the Devil Dog. Rocks are hitting the outer edges of this paper mache plastic helmet probably 12 inches off my ears. And the rocks are just hitting this thing, and finally one hit me right square in the middle of my back. And I hear Dirty go, ‘Ah damn man we gotta go.’”

Just a day in the life of a rival mascot on enemy asphalt.

Ryan McGee was a fitting debut guest for this upstart high school football storytelling show

McGee was an early adopter of the Coffeetown radio sketches I came up with a few years ago. I’ll always appreciate that.

But even more than that, the talented ESPN writer and co-host of Marty and McGee appreciates the impact that high school football had on his life and his career.

After surviving the Easley County rock assault, McGee spent many an hour behind the microphone and over a note pad covering high school football.

“The poorest I ever was. But the most fun I ever had. When I was keeping my own stats, sitting on the top row of the visitors side of the field at Scotland County High School or Monroe High School, or Parkwood High School, that’s as much fun as I’ve ever had in my life.”

There’s much more where that came from on this week’s show. McGee learned a lot about sportscasting in those early years. It remains relevant for anyone in the industry today.

Coffeetown takes the field, and so does a bear

One of those statements is about a fictional high school team.

One of them is true.

Coffeetown takes on Copper Central to start the Copperheads’ season. If you’re a fan of Reptile Henderson and the boys, you’ll definitely want to subscribe to Go Fight Win.

Each new Coffeetown sketch will drop first on Thursdays before all non-viewers and listeners see the clips on Fridays.

And each episode will begin with strange-but-true high school football headlines from around the country.

It’s all on Go Fight Win. Glad y’all are here.